Johnny Tremain poll

October 28, 2008 at 6:26 am (Uncategorized)

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Never stay home alone

October 17, 2008 at 12:01 pm (Uncategorized)

A stranger was knocking at the door. I was home alone, as I reached to answer. I thought it might be my parents but it was someone else. He was a stranger to me and he appeared to be an guard. He invited me to a party but I denied and asked him to leave. After a while he knocked the door again and I asked him to leave but he wouldn’t. Then he grabbed ma and took me to his world as I screamed, tried to get help from other places but it was useless. We finally reached to their planted Cokama. I had no idea what was going on until I got to their lab. I had an assignment to break a code. I finally broke the code and it was dark already. In the middle of night I try to get out of there lab and go back to my planet mokala. Suddenly the alarm rang and I was surrounded by some people as I was fighting at that moment I was surprised that these things werent humans they were robots. It was hard to defeat them and I ended up in a room with a little puppy.

Then after three days of thinking I finally got an idea to escape. I played dead and got to the hospital that’s where I made my move and escaped. It was 6 PM when I got home but my parents were already there. Where were you? They asked. I said shopping and I was grounded for rest of my natural life.     


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